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Football schools



How to organise a game with your friends?

Times when most of the day was spent playing football with friends from the neighbourhood are unfortunately gone forever. Today's youth prefers more digital forms of entertainment. However, when someone decides to participate in a football match, there is a problem with its organization. We give you a helping hand by creating the LocalPlay application.

Smartphone is your best friend

Probably each of you has heard about the website. It was from the moment it had been created that traveling became much easier. Even if you have made a spontaneous decision to leave, you are able to book an accommodation just in a few minutes. The same rule applies to  the LocalPlay application. 

Let's assume that it's Saturday afternoon, you are bored, the sun is shining outside your window and the thermometer shows 15 degrees Celsius. It's hard to imagine better conditions for playing football. However, there is a problem. You have no idea how to persuade your colleagues or friends to participate in the "football meeting". Calling each one individually seems too time-consuming. This is when LocalPlay comes in handy. How to create an event that others can then join?We will explain it in a few words  in the next paragraph.

Creating events 

We start it by logging into the application.

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Then, after clicking the "Add" button at the bottom of the screen, you should be able to see a list of various options. You can clearly see that the LocalPlay application offers many innovative functionalities, and organizing a game with friends is just one of them.

However, in the described case we are only interested in the one option called "Organize a party game".

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After choosing the type of event, the organizer only needs to follow a few more simple steps. First of all, you should give your event a name and specify its location, so that in the event of a lack in the composition of the game, also outsiders can find out about it.

Afterwards, it is necessary to fix the date and specify the time frames of the game.

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By specifying the number of players who can take part in the created event, you can avoid situations in which too many people will show up on the pitch a few minutes before the game starts. 

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If all the above information has been completed in a way that is consistent with reality, all that remains is to perform the last step, i.e. adding an event.

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How to join a game?

However, what to do in a case when we are the person looking for the game, not creating it? Here are some simple tips.

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Due to the fact that the object of our interest is an event previously created by us, we have to locate it through the search engine. So just enter the address of the place where the game will take place. In our case, it was Myśliwiecka Street in Warsaw.Zrzut ekranu 2021 03 21 o 12.21.54

After finding the event, just express your willingness to participate by clicking the green "Play" icon. The event organizer will then receive information about your application. What's next? All you have to is to wait patiently for all the required composition to assemble.

Innovation is the real engine of progress

What can you expect from the LocalPlay creators in the coming weeks and months? Something for the forgetful ones. We are introducing online payments soon. So if you ever forget your gaming wallet, you will have be able to easily solve this problem . We will create an option to pay for participation in the event via our application.

Competition enthusiasts will also find something for themselves. Each user will have the opportunity to upload the result of the match they participated in on their profile. So when any of the players who join your event has only winning the match in his statistics, you can be sure of one thing. It will undoubtedly strengthen your squad.

We will keep you informed about the incoming innovations. With each successive week, new ideas fall into our heads. So keep in mind this one thing. It is impossible to get bored with us!


The given location has no address!