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Football schools



How to earn money on sports facilities?

The process of building sports facilities is usually very time-consuming and requires considerable financial outlays. The new stadium or sports hall are very attractive to the eye, but after some time problems arise. Facility is not able to make money that allows owner to handle daily costs.So how to ensure that sports facility not only bring losses? Here are a handful of interesting tips:

Create good business plan

Let's not deceive ourselves that the money spent on the construction of a sports facility will pay off in full one day. No way. Even if after a certain period of time it is possible to generate a considerable profit, the operating costs will be added up and that you will have invest again in a relatively recently commissioned building.

Experts say that local government officials think when building stadiums or sports halls think in very short term. There is usually no coherent business plan that would allow the facilities to monetise themselves.

After all, that needs to be done is taking care of only one small but at the same time very important detail. Adaptation of buildings for commercial use.

Concerts, picnics and other events

The cost of building the National Stadium along with the surrounding meadows is estimated at about PLN 1.9 billion. The annual cost of its maintenance, according to various data, amounts to approximately PLN 17 million. So how do the owners of the largest football arena in Poland manage to gain profit despite such costs?

All kinds of events that take place there are a recipe for the continued existence and well-being of the National Stadium. Starting with concerts, through various thematic fairs, and ending with great automotive events.

The stadium infrastructure also plays an important part. It consists of several conference rooms, business lounges, a fitness club and pub for several hundred people. Basing on this example you should be able to see that you can earn money on the sports facility. All you need to do is plan everything carefully before it is built.

Studying regional preferences

Each region of Poland is characterized by something different. What is liked in the north may not necessarily appeal to the inhabitants of the south of our country. Therefore, it is important to examine local preferences as early as during the preparation of the project, and if this is not possible, then at least during the adaptation of facility for everyday use.. 

It may for example turn out that there is a large group of runners in the city who would like to use the track and field track, or there is a mixed martial arts section that would gladly rent a room to organise regular trainings

So it is clear that you need to help the proverbial happiness. All you need is willingness and a little bit of dedication. Nothing can be accomplices without work.


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